Booster Board


The Music Boosters is an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable, volunteer organization. They exist to cooperatively support, encourage, and promote the objectives, purposes and goals of the instrumental program at Standley Lake High School.  They will collaborate with the Music Department and the SLHS administration to ensure that the music department maintains the highest possible degree of effectiveness and efficiency. The music boosters will assist the music program in activities beneficial to the future of the program, with an awareness of not encroaching on the inherent responsibility of the school staff and administration. Parents can help provide additional support for the music program with those things that are not provided through the school.  Examples may include, but are not limited to, such things as additional staff, banquets, awards, props/equipment, and travel expenses. Much of their support of course comes in providing additional financial support to help achieve the goals of the music program.

Please feel free to read the music boosters by laws for a more detailed description.


Membership in this organization is open to anyone who is interested in supporting the purposes of the Music Boosters, who registers and pays the membership fee as set forth by the Board of Directors. All membership dues directly support the Merit Scholarship Program.  Parents of students enrolled in Music Programs are automatically invited to join The Music Boosters; extended family members or others interested in membership should contact a member of the Executive Board to join the organization and receive communications from the Music Boosters.

The regular meetings of the Boosters shall be held a minimum of four times per year, as designated by Booster Officers.  The meetings will normally be held at the High School Band room, on dates determined by the Board and published prior to the start of the fiscal year. To check on the dates for this years meetings please check the calendar page.

Executive Board

Any Music Booster member who is the parent of a current SHLS music student, willing to uphold the basic Music Booster policies, and subscribe to these by-laws is be eligible to hold office.  The officers of the Boosters consist of a President - Elect, President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past Treasure.  The Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Treasurer can be a Booster member whose child has not been in a music program for 1 year.

The executive board will act as the operating body to provide direction and leadership to the Music Boosters in accordance with their By-Laws, Article of Incorporation, and the Policies and Procedures Handbook and react quickly to facilitate/mitigate situations that arise affecting the Music Boosters. 

President Elect

The President Elect will attend all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership. They will review the agenda and supporting materials prior to board, general and committee meetings. The president elect will establish and chair the fundraising committee. They will also help fill the duties of the president if the president is absent.

In an ideal world this position would be filled by a parent of a sophomore who would be willing to continue on to be president and then past president by their students senior year


2024-2025 Marla Olson

Some of the responsibilities of the music booster president includes presiding over all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership; Collaborate with the Music Department Director(s) in preparing the agenda for Board and General meetings; Work in partnership with the Music Department Director(s) to make sure that all Board resolutions are carried out; Have supervision over the business affairs of the Boosters; Be the liaison between the Music Department Director(s) and the Boosters; Maintain relationships with the leaders of related organizations; Act as judge, cast a deciding vote in case of a tie, and declare results of all elections; Operate by the By-Laws of the Music Boosters: and to serve as official spokesperson for the Boosters.

Past President

2024-2025 Melissa Cuevas

The past president will attend all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership. They will review agenda and supporting materials prior to board, general and committee meetings and be able to give the Music Boosters a little bit of a background about what has been done in past years. Because of their past experience they may be asked to fill in and perform duties of the President in his/her absence. This position can be filled by a parent who no longer has a student in the program if necessary.


2024-2025 Becca Knight

The secretary’s duty will include recording and maintain minutes for all Booster Officer (Executive Board), Board of Directors and General Membership meetings, including the names of those in attendance. They will distribute copies of meeting minutes to applicable membership through electronic means within ten days of each meeting and document official approved minutes. They will have copies of the minutes available at each meeting of the previous two months meetings. They shall also maintain the official current version of the By-Laws and all previous minutes and Music Booster documents as required by applicable laws and for the history of the Music Boosters.


2024-2025 Natalie Maxwell

The treasurer’s responsibilities will include overseeing all monetary transactions in partnership with a minimum of one other Music Booster member and; receive all funds due the Music Boosters, and be responsible for the timely deposit of funds. They will be responsible for ensuring Music Booster expenditures align with budget planning estimates, and verify that disbursements are paid out of appropriate sub accounts. They will maintain detailed and accurate records of receipts, income and expenses of all Music Booster funds and be prepared to present current income and expense reports at all Music Booster meetings.

Past Treasurer

2024-2025 Kayla Ball

The past treasurer is someone who obviously has just been the treasurer of the Music Boosters. Their main job is to help the new treasurer understand the financial workings of the Music Boosters and an help fill in for them if needed. This position can be filled by a parent who no longer has a student in the program if necessary.

Members At-Large

Kayla Ball - Games Manager

Andrea Hough - Communications Coordinator

Angela Harris - Food Coordinator

Jessica Fields

Adam Olson
